has Nordic origins and has been part of the music and dance world since she was a child. At 5 years old, she began studying classical and jazz ballet and went on to become a prima ballerina and choreographer. At age 7, she started singing and playing the piano. She furthered her studies at the Conservatory where she achieved excellent results. She currently composes and writes her own music and lyrics, and owns the full rights to the entire package.

The Evalorys Project is a simple and straightforward way to make and spread music. The purpose of this Project is to convey important messages which have very little to do with “personal issues”. We are presented with a range of topics which touch everybody’s lives, ranging from the most serious to the very frivolous so there is something for everyone.

Evalorys’s personality reflects the concepts of "Mister" lyrics: touching upon moral issues such as the end of privacy, the destruction of our planet by ruthless leaders, the stereotypes which have kept us trapped since childhood, the timeless topic of money and a great deal of other injustices which, in spite of ourselves, we have learnt to put up with.

The debut single “Mister” is a cry of protest against a “mister” who symbolizes the heads of state. It expresses a strong objection to those leaders who make us believe that they’re protecting the people and trying to save the earth when they’re actually filling their own purses at the people’s expense.

The release "My Name is Money", represents the second stage of her journey which crosses the borders of the timeless moral issues in our daily lives. In this track “Money” is allegorically personified as a moving, talking, contriving entity which introduces itself as “My name is Money”.

The third single "PEACE" is an ode to universal peace, to brotherhood, and to the victory of love over hate as the only possible hope for the future of the human race.
" All warfare is based on deception..."

On 8 January 2019 EvaLorys released her fourth single "LIKE THE WIND".

 She is currently writing and producing her first musical.